Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Of Sick Little Girls

My children have only been in school for two weeks, count 'em, only two weeks, and already they have each been home sick. What is up with that? Is it some vast conspiracy by the faculty to ease into the school year with lower enrollment, is it the school's are a literal cesspool of creepy crawlies, or is it plain ole dumb bad luck?

Regardless, here I was home today, again, with a sickie. A sweet little, 5-year-old, little girl sickie, who despite her sweetness has managed to drive me absolutely, certifiably, no if's and's or but's about it, freakin' insane today.

You see, I'm supposed to be working today. You know, that thing that brings home the bacon? And silly me, I thought that since little G-girl was sick, that she'd happily vegetate in front of High School Musical, followed immediately by High School Musical 2, while I did some work.

Nope, nope, and . . . nope. Instead I have been bulleted with questions all day about everything ranging from Zac Efron's shoes, to why crayons have such funny names for colors, to how she can earn more money on webkinz world so that she can buy her webkinz a pool.

Ugh, I was patient, I was kind, but underneath it, I was worrying about that pesky deadline I have tomorrow.

Ah well, such is life as we know it in the big game of motherhood, right? G-Girl had a good day, is feeling better now, and is dying to get on webkinz world so that she can buy that pool, so I better go!


Tree said...

Have you played Webkinz games??? They are addictive. I like color storm and their version of mah-jong is tile towers.

Have her play wheel of wow and the daily slots (wheel of wonder, I think). Can you tell we are webkinz fools here? I have even considered getting my own webkinz. Sad, huh?

Sharon said...

Tree - we're new to the webkinz thing, but man you need some serious kinz $$ to buy stuff! I recently discovered Quizzy's Corner and have been earning $$ for the kids at night. Isn't that hysterical!

Tree said...

Sharon - I do the same thing!!! It's terrible, but really quite fun.